Managed Health Care Insurers Deny Patients

Attorney Jeff Killino and his law firm have found that a number of Managed Health Care Insurers deny valid claims because the treatment is “experimental” or “investigational” or “not medically necessary”. Denying treatment is one way that the Managed Health Care Industry makes a lot of money. Of the 73 million Americans on Medicaid, almost… Read more

Child Washing Machine Injuries – Lock Your Washing Machine

Toddlers trapped in front loading washing machines have made headlines recently. A Florida toddler playing with his sibling was trapped in a front-loading washer–he was pronounced dead at the hospital. Two months earlier, a two-year-old in China climbed into a washer for fun but she got stuck in the drum and her parents were unable… Read more

The Rise – and Crash – of Electric Scooters

Since late 2017, when electric scooters started zipping around city streets and pavements, at least eight people in the U.S. have died and about 1,500 people injured while using a rentable e-scooter.  While these little, dockless vehicles are convenient and a possible answer to vehicle-related injuries, traffic congestion and air pollution they also bring safety… Read more

Full-Face Snorkel Mask Drownings

For decades, drowning has been the leading cause of death for tourists in Hawaii — far greater than the national average and many more tourists than residents drown. Snorkeling is the most common cause of injury-related death in the islands, but there’s an alarming increase in snorkeling-related deaths: only 19 people drowned while snorkeling between… Read more

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